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This was such a good intro to the main game

Thank you! So glad you liked it πŸ˜Šβœ¨

Is there Ascanio in this demo or rather, introduction to main game? :) 


Hello :D
There's... someone somewhat related to Ascanio in Shadow Bonds, but with the release of the full gamethe prologue has become non-canonical, and it serves more to introduce the setting than anything :)

(When Shadow Bonds was released, Ascanio's sprite was not even in the works!)


Thank you kindly for so fast reply O.O I hope that the "someone" is Ornell - fingers crossed and I am off to buy it <3


I'm a little disappointment that all the LI's seem to be do-gooders. (Not so much as an amoral rogue amongst them, never mind a villain. *sigh*)

But the game itself is well-written, and the artwork is good.

The story is intriguing and captivating as well.

Granted, I'd never help the idiot trying to run to begin with, and my first thought was to just kill him and see if it helped.... but that was sadly not at choice when you first got cursed.

However, the end of the demo, evil cliffhanger that it was, made me want to buy it.

And happily I found it on Steam, so I just might. ^_^

....still wish there was a more wicked love interest tho.... >_>

Also kinda envy the task of the Minstrel. I don't why he was chosen for something I'd be better suited for, but I'm sure there was a reason..........

I have a feeling that all the LI's will just run away screaming in this story. Which is sad, cuz I'm kinda a romantic.

But only if there's someone actually worth my time.

And as far as I can tell, there is non in this game.

....unless you meet someone else after the demo's end.

Hello! Thank you for the kind words, I'm happy you liked Shadow Bonds βœ¨

It doesn't sound like you would enjoy the full game, unfortunately. All five love interests are arguably good people, and while the main character can do some very questionable stuff, it's all framed through the pragmatic lens of 'for the greater good'.

(And three LIs do run away in the bloodier ending πŸ˜…)

In retrospect perhaps I should have considered that before buying it. lol

That said.... The game IS really well-written, and the story itself exceptionally good.
(In the main game as well.)

My ONE problem with it is that I had the foolish hope that a certain bard would change personality depending on your choices, and not reject you based on them.

He DOES have a dual hair-color, and a torn loyalty.
I suppose it was foolish of me to expect he had two different paths to walk because of it.
And that you could push him towards light or darkness.

I honestly think the biggest flaw most game have is that they refuse to offer DIFFERENT type people as LI's.
Now, your game DO have a bit more variation than a number of other games, but they are all fundamentally good people.
And THAT is a flaw.
Because many people like bad boys. And not all want that bad boy (or girl) to have a heart of gold.

And because of that, the ending comes off as moralizing.

Because you can't, fundamentally, choose the Abyss.
Not if you want love --something the Abyss encourages.

Or at least that's what it seems like.

I have not found a Walktrough to the game yet.

But I can't help but hope that there will one day be a future update in which you CAN influence your love-interest, so that instead of rejecting you if you take a darker path, they grow darker with you.

THAT would be a truly happy ending.

(Of course, making people work for it is fine. Some people need more manipulation than others. And I think my sweet bard needs to break.... while the thief girl is halfway there already, and the mage woman could be swayed by power and corruption....
Only the prodigal one would require you to follow the godess I think, logically... but he should have a warning for that.)
And this would make choices matter more than they do as well, which is a good thing.)

So if you want the game to appeal to even more people, THIS is a good way to do so.

Everyone loves freedom, after all.
And freedom comes from choices, with real impact.
And the ability to still be with someone they love, AND make the choice they want to make.

And most importantly: WARN people!

It is VERY disappointing to choose a path, and have to play to the very end before you realize it means you CANNOT be with your LI.

Perhaps it should be obvious, but I have played many games where your choices DO change how you LI ends up, and even more where he loves you too much to care.

So some people will assume the same as me, and be disappointed because of it.
Doubly so because of all the time and effort they put into it, only to loose what matters most at the end.

And because your save-files are not endless like Ren'Py has, you can't actually locate the point everything went wrong and retry from there either --presuming you can figure out where exactly you went wrong to begin with, which is not easy with such a big game.

Some LIs can be convinced to switch sides, but Alpheon is not one of them--he is the most restrictive of the LIs, and that is by design.

If you want to have a successful romance with Alpheon, going back to the conversation with the Prodigal One and initiating the LoD ending is the only way to do so (Alpheon locks you out of the M ending and will effectively mind-control you into not romancing him in the DH ending). As I said, this is by design, as Alpheon truly loathes what he has to do in the DH ending, and MC ignores his wishes and forces him to act. That's what prompts his 'rebellion' in the caves--he gets a taste of his future.
(The short story 'The day I decided to cry' deals with his feelings on the matter, although the protagonist there is implied to have romanced Malec instead. In a successful DH ending, Alpheon spirals into suicide ideation.)

There is a paid guidebook DLC available on itchio and Steam with a guide to choices, branches, achievements and romances!

Ugh. I hate the godess shit. Truly.
...and I don't really like the other male LI's.
...and I still prefer the males. *sigh* Not to mention all other options, save the worst idiot of the all, is mortal.

I had honestly hoped there was a way you could choose the Abyss' end goal, but go about it in a way that didn't go against his morals so badly.

But there wasn't a third choice, only the godess and the abyss. No "choosing the Abyss but maybe we don't have to kill people" kinda thing. >_>

But thanks for the info.

just wanted to say that I adore your comments and play games based on them, you should definitely consider creating your own collection on

... well, that's it, thank you for being you <3


Love the art and story!

Thank you so much βœ¨glad you liked it!

(1 edit) (+1)


I just wanted to give a heads-up that the game, for some reason, seems to give the wrong price when posted as a link to the Steam page (at least on Discord). This might discourage uninformed players. I'm not sure how or why it does this, but I thought you might want to know.

Good luck with the release! <3

Edit: someone tried posting it again and it now looks correct, might have been a discord bug! So sorry to bother you--ignore this!


I even looked at the regional pricing to see if perhaps it was another currency πŸ˜‚

Weird bug! Thank you for letting me know—I appreciate it πŸ˜Š

Do you also planning to make male mc?


Hello! The game will only have a female main character πŸ˜„


Wow, OK!!! This is honestly everything I could want in a visual novel. Magic, fantasy, romance, consequences in choices, beautifully presented art, etc. And female romanceable characters!! As a lesbian, that makes me so happy!! There are other great visual novel demos I've tried, but they had mostly/all male options. The writing was still lovely, and I'm still pumped to try out the full versions of those games, but it's not as relatable, y'know?

I also just saw that the full game has a demo out NOW?? And it's VOICE ACTED??? Wowieeee!! I've never fallen in love with a game SO fast!!

I only have one note and that is that I wished the MC had more customization (in terms of appearance & pronouns). However, after checking out the studio's website and based off of the trailer for the full game, it probably won't happen (a girl can still dream, though)!

Regardless, I still think the character design for everyone, let alone MC, is peak. Heck, practically a fifth of me playing was just checking out the "status" to look at the MC lolll! Also the dialogues of said characters and the writing was pure bliss to read. I especially loved the line said by Marane "Well it's a good thing you don't have to deal with blood every month" (or something along those lines).

I have no doubt the full game will live up to the standards set in this prologue. After I unlock the rest of the CGs (for my first run I went with my shawty bae Marane), I'll definitely have to check out the voiced demo! 

And last but not least, if you end up reading this whole thing: thank you. Hug yourself, pat yourself on the back, etc... because you deserve it! This goes for the whole team, and all the contributors as well! Happy late pride, as well! I wish anyone who reads this a safe & happy life :)

" Be gay; Do witchcraft ", - Dana Terrace.


Hello, and thank you so much for the kind words βœ¨of course I read the whole thing, comments like these make my day!

It's really important for me to make a game that does not alienate sapphics, especially after Ascanio's late inclusion skewed the love-interest ratio, with him being male-presenting and all.

The full game will indeed be voiced β€οΈnot fully, since the script is massive (more than 400k words), but important scenes will get to shine!

I would have loved to add pronoun/visual customization for the MC! Since she is always on screen and in illustrations, it was sadly out of my budget. For the next game, maybe πŸ˜„

Oh no! I ended up deactivating the demo after the Next Fest. It did have a bunch of caveats that made it representative of the full game only in some aspects (I built it around an important scene with MaranΓ© some hours into the full game, so I had to edit around information, remove choices and change things... I did write a pretty long devlog outlining those design choices).  
I have some spare keys that should override the deactivation; if you have Twitter/X I can send one to you over there!

(I have 10 in total, so if anyone else would like to try the voiced demo, feel free to get in touch!)

Happy late pride, and thank you again for the wonderful comment!


Ah, thank you so much for replying!! I sadly don't have X (I got wrongfully banned years ago, but after seeing all the drama that happens on the site all the time, I decided that fate was doing me a favor). I do have discord though (Hollxzee), but I wouldn't want you going out of your way to send the key. And either way, it gives more anticipation y'know?

I really hope that the full game is a success, so that way you & team can include whatever options you'd like without the worries about budgets and whatnot! It's always a shame when a creative's biggest boundary is budget. I can relate as an artist/singer myself. I took choir as an alternative to singing lessons cause they're so expensive! I don't regret that decision, but I think that if I had singing lessons I could definitely improve even further. But sadly money doesn't grow on trees, and that's how the world works :(

Again, the work put into this whole project is just absolutely stunning!! Other than "TOUCHSTARVED" and "Love At The Milky Way Diner", this will be a game I'm looking most forward to for its release! I'm hoping to get a job soon, so hopefully I'll be able to purchase it once it releases ^^

Have a wonderful day/afternoon/evening, and again thank you so much <3


Do we know what the release date will be? The new year update says 26th of June but it isn't out yet


Hello! I had to push back the release to September due to several factors. No exact date yet!

I'll soon publish a post with more up-to-date information :D


I hope they make a download for apple soon T_T

Hello! I'd love to release on Mac, but I don't own any Apple devices, so it'd be impossible for me to do any testing, bugfixing or quality control, unfortunately :(


I can't get enough of this game the artwork is incredible and so is the story.

Thank you so much βœ¨ so glad you like it!!

I choose to kill the kid and I have no regrets long ago🀣 Great story. Looking forward for some more


Thank you! I have some exciting news coming VERY SOON ✨


i LOOOOVED this demo!! the art style is so beautiful, i love the setting, and i can't wait to kiss alpheon on the face

Thank you so much βœ¨ βœ¨





Gorgeous game, and intriguing. I'm very much looking forward to the full version!

Thank you so much βœ¨


I've been checking this game on Steam since 2022.
First, the game was supposed to appear in 2023, then
it was changed to 2024. Finally, a more approximate date appeared - the second quarter of 2024, I'm checking now because it's already May, it was changed once again to the third quarter of 2024. How many times will you change it like this?


Hello there! I am a solo developer working on the game with the help of freelancers. The game has seen massive progress in the past years, evolving from Shadow Bonds into the full version, but not everything is going to be ready for the intended release date, thus the delay.

When I release Sigh of the Abyss, I want it to look & play at its best, without compromises on quality.

I hope this answered your question πŸ˜ƒ

Will the full version be free?


Hello! The full version of the game will be paid :)

Great work, I really liked it. Good luck with the development of the full version ;)

Thank you so much!! βœ¨

Deleted 1 year ago

So glad you liked it ✨ more should come later this year!

I ran a Kickstarter campaign to fund the full game, so also opening a Patreon would not be something I'm comfortable doing.


This was AMAZIIIIIIING! I was so invested I got disappointed when it was over! I appreciated that we could choose if we were interested in men or women at the beginning, as a lesbian it's so frustrating trying to find engaging VNs that don't force male characters on you πŸ˜“ Can't wait for the full release! 

Question though, in the game will there be ways to increase our stat/abilities that we set at the beginning, or are they always static?

P.S. Can we get more hints as to who the fifth romance will be πŸ‘€? Is it a character we've met already in the demo? 


Hello!! I'm so glad you liked the game βœ¨

Yes, in the full game there will be ways to increase the abilities selected at the beginning! There will also be thresholds that unlock special powers, like the ability to wipe someone's mind, or merging with the shadows much like Atri does.

As for the fifth romance...






Wow, you stated my thoughts & questions EXACTLY. As a lesbian, the most appealing visual novels I see tend to only have male options for everything, or only female options for the DLC but not the main game. I also wanted to ask about the stats too, lol! Happy late pride! ^^


Soon!! 😁✨

Believe or not.i saw yahnefn

This is the best demo I've played in my history of playing demos in this site. Kudos to the work and lotsa love! <3

Aaaah, thank you πŸ˜­πŸ˜­ I'm so happy to hear you liked it!!


This game looks amazing, I was wondering if you will consider having it available for Mac and Linux computers?


Hello there!

I don't own a Mac, so testing macOS builds is impossible for me. If there's enough demand, it's something I would definitely look into it, but the price point makes it tricky. An emulator like Wine should work for Shadow Bonds πŸ˜Š

And for Linux, Proton should work as well—Shadow Bonds runs on Steam Deck without any issues (or so I have been told, I don't own one πŸ˜…)


Alright, Thank you for the reply!


This is incredible, definitely one of the best I've ever played. The graphics are impeccable, the characters are charismatic and the story is magnificent. Please continue, I'm looking forward to the full version <


Thank you so much for the lovely words πŸ˜­ they mean a lot to me!

I had to take a small break from development while I was moving (it was a nightmare) but I'm back actively working on the game now ✨

So cute, thanks!!  Excited for this world.~

✨✨Thank you so much!!


omg this might be not one of but THE best demos i've ever played. I'M SO HYPED FOR THE FULL VERSION!!


Aaah✨ thank you so much! I'm so glad you liked it!!

I'm hard at work on the full version πŸ’ͺ

When is the full version coming?


June this year πŸ˜Š

Okay thx for letting me know. I look forward to playing the full version of it!




Aw, thank you βœ¨πŸ˜Š




SOOO GOOD, I love Sylas so much πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­


So glad you liked it βœ¨βœ¨


omg I forgot this was in demo! until The Warden was in my ROOM!! like OMG, CANNOT WAIT!!

So glad to hear you liked it βœ¨

Thank you!!


reminds me of ebon light. can't wait to play the entire game!


That's a huge compliment, thank you πŸ˜­βœ¨

Will there be a version compatible with Mac?

Hey there :)

I don't own a Mac, so testing macOS builds is impossible for me. If there's enough demand, it's something I would definitely look into it, but the price point makes it tricky...

For Shadow Bonds, an emulator like Wine should work :)


This is a really lovely demo! The art is *chef's kiss* and I love the worldbuilding y'all have done so far. Can't wait to see more of it!

Also...Ornell is so cute, so babie. He must be protected. I just couldn't kill him or have him kill me lol I hope we get to see how he's doin later.


Thank you so much, I'm happy you liked the demo πŸ˜„

I can confirm that Ornell will show up in the main game as well!


The only part that sucked about this was that I didn't realize it was a demo until it ended. Fantastic artwork and story, and the characters are all so easy to like and fall for. Great work! I can't wait to play more!


Thank you! I'm glad to hear you liked it ✨ 

I tried to make it as standalone & self-contained as possible despite it being a demo!

(1 edit) (+2)

loved the demo and i especially adore sylas. going to buy the game on steam and support on kickstarter! (made an acc on just for this)


Thank you so much for the kind words βœ¨βœ¨

Deleted 137 days ago

Hello! An Android release is highly unlikely & bordering on impossible, I'm afraid πŸ˜…

Deleted 137 days ago

awww, "They have dream!!" -the little duckling from Repunzul


I quite enjoyed this demo. Well-written, amazing art and intriguing story. The relationship between the MC and Ornell was cute. As another poster said, like having a little brother-- one you can't get rid of, lol! I actually wanted them to be stuck together a little longer. It's fun to be able to choose your skills, and great to be able to opt out of the type of romances you're not comfortable with. Well done, and I look forward to the full release!


The dynamic with Ornell is indeed very sibling-like, I wanted it to be wholesome πŸ˜„ 

Thank you so much for the kind words!!


I ABSOLUTELY LOVED THIS DEMO!!!! everything abt this game is truly wonderful. you can see how well made it is, and im really excited for the whole game to be released!! 


Thank you for the kind words!! I'm happy you liked it πŸ˜„ 



This is so interesting! And Ornell is so cute! I can't be mean to him. It's like the protagonist has a little brother now. 

But I wonder what will happen next. This kind of reminds me of Dragon Age.


Thank you for the kind words πŸ˜„ I'm glad you liked the prologue!

I love Dragon Age—the series is a very big influence of mine (2 especially, despite how controversial it is even among fans)!


I really enjoyed playing this and can't wait to play more as it grows! I love the ace representation and the variety of characters! I wonder if the protagonist will have non-sexual romance choices for the other routes as well? Amazing job!


Thank you for the kind words :D I'm happy you liked it!

The other non-Sylas romances will always prompt a choice when it comes to exploring the sexual side of the relationship. How much that weight also depends on the character—Alpheon and MaranΓ© will take things slowly as opposed to Malec.

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